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Nerve Testing at the Foot & Ankle Institute

nerve testNeurosensory Testing with the Pressure-Specified Sensory Device
There needed to be a painless method for a doctor to determine if a person’s complaints of numbness or pain were due to compression (entrapment or pressure) of a nerve, injury to a nerve, or due to a neuropathy.

  • No needles or elctric shocks are used.
  • Neurosensory testing is painless.
  • The device is now called the Pressure-Specified Sensory DeviceTM (PSSD).
  • The pssd can be used to test any piece of skin.

Why should I have PSSD testing?
The pssd can identify nerves that are causing:

  • Numbness, tingling, or pain in the fingers or toes.
  • Night time awakening from hand or foot problems
  • Clumsiness, weakness, or dropping things. Facial pain after injury or previous surgery.
  • Heel pain or pain in the ball of the foot.

Following surgery, the pssd can identify painful nerves that are:

  • Failing to heal (continued degeneration).
  • Healing properly (regenerating).

Come See Us

Think you might be a candidate for neurosensory testing to help diagnose possible neuropathy? Call (435) 628-2671 to schedule an appointment or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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